NTIA 2024. Supports just vote «Crash the Party» campaign.

The Night Time Industries Association unites alongside Music Industry giants to support the Youth Vote Campaign Just Vote to get 18-34 year olds to the polls.

The Crash the Party movement is part of Just Vote, an urgent campaign urging young people to get out and vote in the July 4th general election. The brainchild of green entrepreneur Dale Vince, the campaign will feature eye catching visuals created by legendary advertising firm Saatchi & Saatchi.

Michael Kill CEO Night Time Industries Association.
“Millions of young people enjoy nightlife, festivals and events, participating in some of the world’s largest gatherings, something we are world renowned for. As one of the biggest employers of individuals under 30, and over 3 million young people working in this sector, we have a unique opportunity to engage the next generation of voters. It’s crucial that we amplify their voices and rebuild faith in politics, demonstrating the power to drive positive change for the future. The night time economy and events sector has always had a strong influence on politics when truly united. The Just Vote movement presents a significant opportunity for us to come together, be heard, and shape the future through our democratic rights.”

View the full Just Vote ‘Crash The Party’ press release below in the notes to editors.

H/T N.M.

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